Wood has become an attractive material for its biobased/biophilic and perceived carbon attributes. However, current practice makes it difficult to know the true climate profile of wood products in most cases.
The current conventions of wood product Life Cycle Analyses (LCAs) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) ignore landscape-level carbon flows and fail to shed light on the impacts and benefits associated with climate-smart forestry.
Until that time, accounting for forest carbon stock changes is not a replicable, consistently applicable procurement approach. The most reliable approach is to incorporate carbon stock change factors within other procurement options where the timber supply area(s) for a project can be defined (i.e., source forest disclosure ranging from Level 1 through Level 3). Projects can then take account of their options and objectives for overall climate-smartness, and incorporate some basic pro/con information about alternative approaches to their decision-making.
Carbon stock change factors offer a way of representing the carbon intensity (or “net ecosystem carbon balance”) associated with timber production over time. These factors incorporate forest inventory and monitoring data and reporting systems to depict the change in forest biomass and the volume of timber product outputs for a timber supply area over time.[1] The division of forest carbon stock change by timber output from a given area over time yields a stock change factor that can be interpreted as an “upstream” embodied carbon impact indicating a carbon benefit or burden for each unit of industrial roundwood (i.e., logs) coming from that area. This stock change factor can be used to replace the common assumption of biogenic carbon neutrality which generally treats all sustainably managed forests as exactly carbon neutral.
Carbon stock change factors can be incorporated into attributional and whole-building LCAs as an addition to the “downstream” life cycle impacts of forest product harvesting and processing that are generally incorporated into forest product LCAs and EPDs. Carbon stock change factors will generally be reported using functional units of industrial roundwood. To utilize these factors for specific forest products, the volume of roundwood required to produce a unit of a derived product (e.g., a kg of glulam) will need to be determined, with the most common source being a regional or facility-specific LCA or EPD.
Carbon stock change data can be found reported by landowner types at county-, multi-county, or regional scales. Thus, the application of stock change factors to projects should incorporate traceability and transparency down to the level of the primary manufacturer supply area at minimum (Level 2) and to the level of the source FMU if possible (Level 3). More precise estimates may be employed where timber supply can be traced to specific owner types (e.g., industrial, federal, tribal, state) or to specific ownerships.
Carbon stock change factors can be developed or used in one of two primary ways, both of which require nuanced interpretation to justify claims of climate-smartness. As a novel and innovative approach, the specific methods, data sources, and the understanding of precision and uncertainty in their use are evolving and expected to improve over time. The use and scrutiny afforded by increasing adoption of this approach by more project teams will help improve them.
Forests whose carbon stocks are growing over time represent a sink for atmospheric carbon. This situation can only occur if forest growth exceeds timber harvest and natural mortality and disturbance. Following LCA conventions, carbon burdens are reported with a positive sign, and carbon benefits using a negative sign. Negative carbon stock change factors indicate a net gain of forest carbon stocks in the timber supply area and may be considered an upstream embodied carbon benefit, while positive carbon stock change factors indicate a net loss of forest carbon stocks in the timber supply area that may be considered an upstream embodied carbon burden.
Comparisons of carbon stock change factors between timber suppliers within and across regions can help steer procurement towards suppliers that are adding more carbon to the landscape than other suppliers while continuing to produce timber.
There are no absolute thresholds for deeming a timber source as climate smart based solely on carbon stock change factors. To be used to characterize climate-smartness, carbon stock change factors should be interpreted with relevant regional context considering forest ecology and management practices.
These same regions and forest types are also often where market access and increased demand for forest products are critical enabling conditions for improved forest management. The restoration of drier fire-prone forests across the US West are a clear example where carbon stock change should be accompanied with a more holistic consideration of forest and community impacts beyond carbon stock changes.
The carbon intensity of timber production is best viewed as an emergent property of a forest management system that accumulates through numerous interventions across a managed landscape over time. This approach is designed to characterize carbon impacts of a forest management or timber production system rather than to characterize impacts of a specific timber harvest. Calculations of carbon stock change factors should generally encompass all working forest areas controlled by a timberland owner or type of landowner in a particular timber supply area. This analysis should not be applied in isolation to individual harvest areas or cut blocks.
This type of analysis should not include areas that are permanently reserved from timber harvesting (e.g., wilderness areas or parks).
CSWG encourages the use of carbon stock change information to inform decision-making for projects with embodied carbon or climate-smart sourcing objectives. However, there are trade-offs to consider. Consulting with CSWG’s network of scientists, climate-smart forestry practitioners and supply chain partners can provide projects and portfolio initiatives with more detailed assessment of options and their veracity.
[1] https://ecotrust.org/mapping-forest-carbon-data/
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