Wood generally has a lower carbon footprint than steel or concrete. Just how much lower, depends on how the wood was grown. The Climate Smart Wood Group helps make sense of this landscape.
Climate-smart forestry increases forest resilience in the face of climate change and sequesters and stores more carbon over time compared to conventional practices.
Climate-smart forestry also addresses issues of equity and climate justice, improving community well-being and respecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples.
LEARN ABOUT FORESTSThe Climate Smart Wood Group offers procurement guidance to help developers and designers inform specifications, refine project goals, and navigate supply chains to meet their project needs.
GET PROCUREMENT GUIDANCEThe Climate Smart Wood Group is developing trustworthy, replicable solutions that differentiate the climate impacts of forest management practices and resulting wood products – going beyond generic Life Cycle Analyses (LCAs) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs).
MEASURING IMPACTFrom academic papers to video presentations, our Knowledge Hub helps connect the dots between climate-smart forestry and your project’s climate goals.
VISIT KNOWLEDGE HUBThe Climate Smart Wood Group is a unique coalition of conservation, scientific, green building and forest sector organizations who share a commitment to offering practical and science-based solutions that help the building sector realize the potential of wood and forests to fight climate change.
LEARN ABOUT USIf you are a looking at wood construction as a climate solution, join us. From goal setting and bid documents to procurement and impact measures, the Climate Smart Wood Group welcomes your involvement.
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